KLINGER SCHÖNEBERG GmbH whistleblowing centre
Complaints procedure according to § 8 Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chain (LkSG)
As part of our commitment to sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible corporate governance, we would also like to take also the responsibility here for respecting and strengthening internationally recognized human rights in our own business area and in our supply chain through the established whistleblower system.
Sustainable business practices are the basis for future prospects for the environment, society and the economy, as well as for each individual employee or business partner of KLINGER SCHÖNEBERG GmbH.
The whistleblower system with legal expertise from Ratisbona Compliance GmbH creates additional trust and security through a clearly defined structure that is accessible to everyone and a legally sound initial Assessment to point out irregularities and thus secure the long-term success of KLINGER SCHÖNEBERG GmbH and avert damage.
Complaints in the supply chain
By clicking on the "Give a hint now" button, you can access Ratisbona Compliance GmbH's data protection-compliant electronic whistleblower system.