
INTEC K204-S-D - Steam Ball Valve

Steam ball valve, which protects your resources!

The maintenance-free steam ball valve for the safe relaxation of steam-prominent elastomere hoses.

Product Advantages

  • Safe pressure relief of steam hoses
  • Saving of time acc. to self pressure relief
  • Increase the service life of steam hoses


  • Hand lever extension

Certificates and Approvals

  • Qualified for steam application (internal tests)

General Information

The specified pressure and temperature values showing the maximum range for orientation only. For the necessary design please note the pT diagram in the respective data sheet. Main criterion of the material code is the basic material of body and cap. The performance and service life of KLINGER valves depend to a large extent on proper storage and fitting - factors beyond the manufacture’s control. We can, however, vouch for the excellent quality of our products. With this in mind, please also take note of our operating instructions.

Overview INTEC K204-S-D Steam ball valves

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