Here you will find general and technical information about our products.
Beständigkeitstabelle (698.3 KiB)
Flow rate für Kugelhähne INTEC Baulänge EN 558, Gr.1/Gr.27/GR.107 (68.7 KiB)
Flow rate for Ball valves INTEC FTF acc. to EN 558, Gr.1/Gr.27/GR.107 (68.0 KiB)
Flow rate for Ball valves INTEC FTF acc. to B 16.10, Class150/Class300 (69.7 KiB)
Druck-Temperaturtabelle für Sattdampf (67.3 KiB)
Pressure-Temperature for Saturated Steam (66.5 KiB)
Umrechnungstabelle von lbs./sq. inch in bar (70.1 KiB)
Conversion table for lbs./sq. inch in bar (69.2 KiB)
Anfrageprotokoll (36.9 KiB)
Protocol of Inquiry (37.3 KiB)
Anwendungsprotokoll (34.8 KiB)
Protocol of Using (33.1 KiB)
Reklamations-Informations-Bericht (56.7 KiB)
Complain Information Report (50.7 KiB)
Lager- und Transportvorschriften für KLINGER SCHÖNEBERG Armaturen (51.8 KiB)
Storage and Transport Instructions for KLINGER SCHÖNEBERG valves (50.7 KiB)